Thursday 3 November 2011

Julian Assange....a Fugitve or a Hero.???...Is he a Rapist or a Distorted version Of Sexual Poltics...

With the UK court meekly ordering extradition of Assange to Sweden,I get something to blog about ,which appears relatively simple yet complex.....
          If u just consider,the accusations of a  alleged rape of one woman and the molestation of another in Stockholm last year,then surely Wikileak's Assange is a fault,and should be punished severely.But the "complex" factor in this case is that whether the matter is  politically motivated by those opposed to the work of his secret-spilling organization.
       Now,the determining factor,is that whether the US government,has found weak chunks in his armory or he has just been acting as a mere puppet,that's only the time will tell.But going by the present scenario,the situation is Grave for The Wikileaks,and they may have to shut down their operations temporarily because of financial blockade of US firms such as Visa and Mastercard...


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